for the Glory of God
What it means to love.
The Word of AMADEO means "The Love of God." We are who we are because of God's love and we seek to be the love of God to all people. God says, "If you love me you will obey my commands" and "by this will they know you are my disciples by your love for one another." The two greatest commands are to love God with your heart and soul and mind and strength. Everything we do is to love others, to men and women for others.

Project 1. King & Queen Farm
King & Queen Farm exists, as all of our works, to bring God glory and to enjoy his favor. We exist to love on our neighbors by partnering with them to grow organic and healthy food, to teach sustainability and creation stewardship.
Project 2. Re:STORE Non Profit
Our first outreach project to love people was created nearly 12 years ago and was a food pantry where we have given out hundreds of thousands of meals for free.

Project 3. 3rd Place Coffeehouse
We wanted to create a place that served the highest quality coffee and provided a space for doing community and serving as a place for local visual and musical artists to show their work.
Project 4. Vineyard Pregnancy Center
Caring for women who are pregnant, scared, or need help has been one of our main ways of making a difference in the lives of people in our community.

Project 5. Global Missions.
We do service projects, to show God's love in Mexico, Tanzania, Germany, Northern Ireland, India and around the world.
Project 6. Church planting
One of the best ways to show God's love is to plant Churches. Our goal is to plant 40 Churches in 40 years. If we find a person of peace in a city we plant a Church. Size is not the matter, being faithful to the Kingdom is.
Project 7. Future Farms/Community Centers/Churches
One of the best ways to show God's love is to plant Churches. Our goal is to plant 40 Churches in 40 years. If we find a person of peace in a city we plant a Church. Size is not the matter, being faithful to the Kingdom is.