for the Glory of God
Personal Relationships with Christ: Jesus Christ told his disciples, "I used to call you servants, now I call you friends." We are In Christ, and Christ is in us.
Strong Families/Strong Marriages: We are seeking to build up families that honor God and one another.
Main and Plain teaching: We are not trying to be clever or witty, just to make the Word of God plain. We believe scripture interprets scripture.
Everybody Gets to Play: Not everybody does the same work or has the same gifts, but everyone is called to minister as a nation of priests.
Naturally Supernatural: We are called to "do the stuff" in the Bible in a natural, non hyped up way.
Come as you are, now let's grow together: Nobody has it together, or should pretend to, so all are welcome just as they are; however, we are a community of people who are open go growth and we are trying our best to align ourselves with Jesus Christ and his teachings and examples.
"Doing the Stuff" of The Kingdom: We do not merely want to know what is in the Word of God, we want to know it and do it. We want to see all that happened in the Bible happen during our day an age. So, we preach the gospel, proclaim the need for repentance, pray for the sick, care for the alien and foreigner, serve each others in humble ways.
The Meat is in the Street: The real work isn't in meeting once a week, but in serving the rest of the world as we walk by the Spirit. We are men and women for others.
The Radical Middle: Some churches hide out in their particular spiritual gift set hanging out with just the Bible Church People, or just the Holy Spirit people, or just the missional people. We find ourselves in the classic Christian streams embracing the value of solid Bible teaching, being Holy Spirit led, and being missional and reaching out to our community.
Unity in Diversity: We believe in the unity of the believers as is so often mentioned in scriptures. We believe the Kingdom of Heaven is all tribes and tongues and nations working and worshiping together in unity. Sunday shouldn't be the most segregated hour of the day. But unity is more than just the nations - "Greek: ethne," ethnicities - it is also coming together across economic situations, as well as in age/generations. The Word of God says in Christ there is no "jew or gentile, male or female, slave or free." We are one in Christ.
Come Holy Spirit: We pray "Come Holy Spirit," not because the Holy Spirit is not with us (because he is) but because we want to be Holy Spirit led in all things we do. Jesus said to His disciples, wait for the Holy Spirit to come (even though he had already breathed the Holy Spirit on them before) and then you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.
Seek the Kingdom now: Jesus said we are to seek the Kingdom first, and to pray that the Kingdom of God will come on earth as it is in heaven. We are obedient to these commands of Jesus.
Trinitarian and Gospel Centered: We are a classic gospel (Good news) centered Church that is trinitarian.
40 Churches in 40 years: We are a church planting movement (both our Mother and Father Church movement have this in their DNA) - and we personally we want to plant 40 years in 40 years. We have helped plant two in Tanzania and one in Bend Oregon.
We are blessed to be a blessing: Genesis 12:1-3. When God calls them, he blesses them to be a blessing to others.
Who are the ministers? The Whole congregation says, "We are." Ephesians 4 says God has given us Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the "ministers" for the work of ministry. So, we are all the ministers - it is not about one or two people "doing the stuff," but everybody doing the stuff.
Who is the Senior Pastor? The Whole congregation says, "Jesus is." The planting pastor may have been Ben Cloud, and the Person or Peace may have been Jeryl, and the chief evangelist at the beginning may have been Alaina, and the chief prophets (ministers of encouragement and edification may have been Art and Valerie," --- and one day the Lead Pastor may be, "?????????" --- but we always remember Jesus Christ is our lead senior pastor - as we all seek to submit to Him over all things. We, each, are listening to His Holy Spirit to walk into our calling. Elders and the Holy Spirit in our life will confirm what we are doing, as in the book of Acts where it says, "It seemed right to us and the Holy Spirit..."
We are men and women for others: We steal this saying from the Jesuits, but it is a good reminder - that we place God first, others second and ourselves third.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: The Westminster's shorter catechism says, "the Chief end of man is to give God glory." The latin phase "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam," means, "For the greater glory of God," and everything we do will be for the greater glory of God.
***We were planted by the Vineyard Church and adopted into the Converge Movement (formerly the Baptist General Convention). We are dual affiliated - and let both movements speak into our lives as covering.
We agree with the Westminster's Confession: The Chief end of man is to Glorify God and enjoy him forever.
We are aligned with the Converge statement of faith.
We are aligned with the Vineyard USA Statement of Faith
We agree with all of the core tenets of the SBC, which the following exceptions:
1. We allow women and men to teach under the covering of the eldership
2. We allow all people who want to come to the table of the Lord to come. (If they want to come to Jesus, we allow them)